Digital Software and Hardware Solutions for Education


At REACH Media Network, we have a large number of clients in the education sector. Our digital software for schools offers a whole host of features that allow schools and other educational institutions to leverage the power of digital signage. Read on to learn about some of the new features that are available with digital signage software from REACH.

Compelling Digital Signage Features for Educational Institutions

Below are a few of the many features that are an integral part of our digital signage software for education:

  • Emergency Alert Systems – Any school needs to be able to quickly alert students, teachers and staff about any type of emergency. Thankfully if you have a number of digital signs throughout your school, you can quickly alert everyone about any type of emergency. These updates can be done manually or you can interface with third party platforms such as CrisisGo, which allows this process to be completely automated.
  • Wayfinding Capabilities & Interactive Maps – One common thread with many of our education clients is the need for some type of mapping system that makes getting around their facilities as easy as possible. To solve this problem, we offer digital signage software with wayfinding capabilities and interactive maps. This allows educational institutions to display up to date maps prominently which can easily be modified as needs within their facilities change.
  • Cloud Based Digital Signage Software – Many of our competitors use clunky software that is only accessible when connected directly to a digital signage hardware device. At REACH, our software works much differently. All of our software is 100% cloud based, which allows you to make modifications to your digital signage from anywhere. Imagine being able to login from home and make changes to digital signs as opposed to having to come back into school.
  • Free Technical Support & Software Updates – Because our software is cloud based, we’re also able to offer free software updates to all our clients. This forces us to constantly be updating our software to ensure it meets the needs of our clients. In addition, we have a team of dedicated technical support representatives who are always available to help with setting up your digital signage devices, or with any sort of technical problem you may be having, all for absolutely FREE!

Compelling Digital Signage Features for Education

If your educational facility is ready to jump into the 21st century with digital signage for schools, don’t hesitate to contact the REACH Media Network team today by phone at 952-255-6296 or via email at

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