Do you want to replace ScreenCloud with a trustworthy and effective digital signage service? If yes, you just landed on the perfect solution! REACH Media Network is a successful, independently owned company that has been making digital signage software in the cloud for more than 17 years.
We can give you an alternative to ScreenCloud Digital Signage, a well-established, solid digital signage software platform centered around stability, ease of use, and dependability.
If you have a specific use case, please check out our 6 most popular solutions:
- Employee Internal & External Corporate Communications
- Local Government Facility Signage
- Data and Metric Displays
- College Campus Digital Signage
- Conference Room Event Rooms
ScreenCloud Digital Signage Software Alternatives
Our digital signage software is designed for companies and organizations in internal corporate communications, education, government, and healthcare. Using our online layout editor, users can create custom content, set up playlists, and manage their screens.
Adaptable Apps and Configurations
With our web-based digital signage platform, you can use our comprehensive interactive design tools to create rich multimedia messages. In addition, more than 157 digital signage apps and integrations are available, so you can effortlessly update your signs to meet your demands and stay on brand.
- O365 and Google Calendar Feeds
- Excell, PowerPoint, and Word
- Microsoft One Drive and SharePoint
- Emergency Alerts and Notifications
- Employee Birthdays and Work Anniversaries
- Custom HTML
- Google Drive and Slides
- Tables, Charts, and Metrics
- Stock, News, and Sports Feeds
- Video and Image Streams
- Local Traffic Maps
- Weather Radars and Forecasts
Fully Integrated Dashboards and KPI Displays
Integrating REACH’s digital signage solution with your existing platforms (like metrics dashboards, spreadsheets, tables, calendars, event listings, and so on) is a easy and fast way to get information to more people. For example, this kind of digital signage integration means you don’t have to update a spreadsheet by hand.
By syncing your data and content, we can make it easier for APIs, charts, and your organization’s key performance indicators (KPIs) to be shown in real-time.
Things like O365, POS data, and reports are examples of third-party platforms that work well together.
Easy to Get Started
Whether you want to buy a new media player for digital signage or already have one, you can use REACH. We can help you find digital displays or hardware that fits your needs and budget. We also sell reliable, easy-to-set-up digital signage players.
If the network goes down, our software will ensure that the cached content on the digital signage media player doesn’t go dark. If the power goes out, you don’t have to worry about your screen being unreadable. Even if the image quality could be better, the REACH program will always give you enough to work with.
Multi-User Enterprise Digital Signage Management Systems
Digital signage networks with more than one user or location can use SSO (Single Sign On). With these setups, it’s easier and faster to set up and manage users.
Staff can use enterprise-grade cloud applications linked to the IdP through SSO, which only requires one login, makingtracking who can use which SaaS programs in the cloud easier. REACH also requires SAML 2.0. So, all of the major identity providers can use the platform (Security Assertion Markup Language).
REACH works with SAML2 Identity Providers like Shibboleth, OKTA, and ADFS. Another service is Azure Active Directory (AAD). After setting up SAML2-based SSO, we’ll give the customer a URL to use every time they sign in to the REACH system. After giving their username, users also have the option of having the REACH system start SSO-mediated login for them (often an email address). This is a choice that users can make. REACH also has an interface for LDAP-SAML2.
Sign up for a demo or ask for a free 30-day trial if you need to confirm we’re the best replacement for ScreenCloud. This will let you test our digital signs for yourself and, more importantly, help you decide if we meet your needs.