Digital signage displays for church communication are becoming a more prominent tool in many religious communication strategies. With proper implementation, your screens can become hubs of information that improve event engagement and grow your parish! You can leverage hundreds of apps and integrations to add greater creativity and functionality to your signage layouts. Once your layouts have been created, they can be shared with each facility or campus in your network to ensure consistent brand messaging. Of course, aspects of each template can be edited to fit each facility’s specific needs.

But you may still be wondering, what exactly IS digital signage? At REACH, we define digital signage as the hardware, software, and content that delivers information through digital displays or interactive kiosks. With remote signage integrations, digital signage is expanding to include work desktops. Your hardware will be used to stream content on screen. From there, the software will allow you to create and manage your content and asset library. These content updates happen in real-time and can be managed from any device with an internet connection. This allows you to manage your content from any location. Finally, your content will drive engagement and deliver important announcements. When all this comes together cohesively, the benefits of digital signage for churches become readily apparent. Due to the flexibility on display, there’s a solution ready for any facility, regardless of industry! We will provide a complete look at what’s possible through digital signage for church events, while also providing some unique benefits and strategies to get you started. If you’re looking to get started right away, click the button below to begin talking to an expert!




Before getting into the nitty-gritty of religious signage, there are a few things you should be aware of. To get your displays ready out the gate, there are a few things you should prepare beforehand to guarantee success.

The first, of course, is your team! Deciding who you want to manage content and assets within your new content-management software is important for any signage strategy. Within REACH’s CMS, you can assign roles and edit app permissions for each user. If you’re trying to make broader changes, you can assign users to a group and bulk-edit the permissions of the entire group! This helps streamline employee workflows and prevents staff from accidentally seeing content or changing settings they shouldn’t have access to. This process strengthens security and boosts efficiency within your organization. 

church digital signage example, 2024, parish example

From there, you’ll want to ensure you have the proper hardware to display fresh content. REACH’s software is “hardware agnostic,” meaning it can run on most media players you may already have lying around. If you have any spare media players, Fire Sticks, or similar devices, you can use those (depending on the scale of your project, of course). However, if you’re starting fresh, you can always purchase a player from us! REACH is both a hardware and software provider, so we know what our clients need for any kind of project! For example, our REACH DS3 players provide clients with an affordable, enterprise-grade solution that is capable of high-level signage integrations. 

Of course, REACH is also a Bright Alliance Premier Partner with BrightSign, a producer of some of the most popular and reliable media players on the market! Depending on the requirements of your project, you may be recommended one of BrightSigns premium models to help with live TV capabilities or large-scale video walls.

The only thing left is to find a trustworthy software provider for your project. Luckily, if you’re here, your search is over! REACH will be with you at every step of your signage journey. You and your team will first be assigned to an install coordinator, and they will train you in all aspects of your new software. Once your training is complete, you will then be assigned an account manager. This will be your point person for all things following your installation. They will assist with projects, integrations, and troubleshooting. However, if something proves too arduous or your account manager is unavailable, you will have access to REACH’s 24/7 support. Once you submit a ticket, someone on our support team will reach out to help solve whatever issue you are facing! At REACH, there is always someone ready to help.



There are a variety of issues and communication hiccups religious venues face daily. With successful digital signage integration, many pain points can be touched on to improve event participation, volunteer engagement, and community growth. Ultimately, it is up to you to determine what you want to tackle with your signage. However, due to the flexibility of digital signage, you may be able to alleviate multiple pain points at once. 

For example, many religious institutions host events and celebrations throughout the year. Many of these events also double as great fundraising opportunities to allow your religious facility to continue its mission. However, these events rely on large numbers of people and strong engagement. Digital signage for religious communication can help drive engagement and raise awareness for greater participation. Employing these signs that promote your events in high-traffic areas will draw greater attention than physical bulletin boards. In fact, it was found that digital signage attracted 63% more attention than traditional media. Additionally, it was found that digital signage received 400% more views than static displays. With this in mind, we can confidently determine digital signage can help improve audience retention and engagement. 

reach media network, church signage example, 2024

Diversifying the focus of your content can also help encourage repeat visits. From content like community highlights or holiday reminders, digital signage can help your message reach more eyes. Of course, it can also be used to push registration reminders, fundraising initiatives, or core values practices by the church. These messages can energize visitors to take actions that result in greater community engagement for the church. Of course,  welcome, and lobby room signage are extremely popular applications for introducing visitors to the core objectives of your institution. Using signage to entertain guests, inform them of your mission and beliefs, and even provide opportunities for engagement can cut down on visitor confusion and add credibility to your business. Introducing wayfinding signage for larger campuses can also help visitors navigate multiple offices, resulting in a smoother experience for your audience. Whether helping boost event numbers or promoting important announcements, digital signage can fit into any strategy you wish to employ.



One of our more recent clients is already exemplifying how church-focused signage content can revolutionize a community. The Meetinghouse Church has been utilizing REACH Media Network’s software for about a month, but they are already starting to see the benefits of its solution. Originally, the church employed a basic solution to promote events. However, the previous solution was unreliable and could not properly synchronize with the church’s internal calendar/scheduling software to display event times. The solution was also prone to bugs, resulting in events being displayed incorrectly or announcements appearing in unintended formats. Lastly, the previous solution was not cloud-based, meaning each display had to be manually updated when they wanted to change content. This time-consuming and impractical process prompted the Meetinghouse Church to search for a new signage provider. After some meetings and a successful demo, the Meetinghouse Church partnered with REACH Media Network to integrate a more modern solution.

church information signage example, reach media network, 2024

Through its partnership with REACH Media Network, Meetinghouse Church has been able to expand its communication potential with digital signage technologies. They have implemented 5 digital signage players in various spots around the facility. Welcome signage is the first content piece visitors come into contact with, being greeted by the screen as soon as they walk in. Another sign over the visitor center promotes upcoming events and volunteer opportunities. Visitors can learn more about how to get involved with the church and use digital signage as a companion piece to learn more details. More signs placed further into the building will also promote events and display important announcements, and parents will even be able to register children for camps using the QR codes found at the sign in the parent check-in area.

In just this short amount of time, the church has noticed people commenting on how nice and dynamic the displays are. Automation through signage has streamlined workflows, with a specific highlight being how team members can just “set and forget” content pieces. Additionally, the same playlist of content can be shared across multiple locations. This allows them to maximize their impact while maintaining a consistent look and voice across all its messaging. REACH Media also built an integration that properly synchronized with the church’s internal calendar and scheduling software. As a result, Meetinghouse Church can easily display events through signage layouts without manually updating each piece of content. When placed along QR codes, visitors can register for events and activities. Overall, the system has worked to not only grow the parish but improve the services offered to the community as a whole.



When it comes to religious-based signage, effective communication, engagement, and aesthetics are essential components for success. Digital signage has emerged as a powerful tool that enhances these aspects while contributing significantly to operational efficiency and visitor experiences. Here, we will delve into the myriad benefits digital signage offers to religious facilities, covering everything from improved communication channels to enhanced community presence.


In the rapidly evolving world of communication and technology, religious venues are increasingly turning to digital signage as a powerful tool to enhance their outreach, engagement, and operational efficiency. Digital signage involves the use of digital displays (LED, LCD, or OLED are the most recommended screen types) or projection to convey dynamic content that can include text, videos, images, and animation. This modern communication medium offers numerous advantages for religious institutions, ranging from improved communication with congregants to more effective management of space and resources. This comprehensive exploration will detail the multifaceted benefits of digital signage for religious venues.



There are a variety of ways digital signage can enhance your communication efforts. Religious-based signage allows venues to provide real-time updates to their congregation. Whether announcing changes in service times, notifying members about upcoming events, or sharing urgent messages, digital displays ensure that information is communicated swiftly and efficiently. This immediacy is crucial for keeping visitors informed about new changes and developments. In fact, certain alerts can be set up in advance to automatically push new announcements.

With digital signage, religious venues can easily customize content to suit different occasions. For instance, services can use screens to display sermon notes, hymn lyrics, or Bible verses. Special events can have content tailored to highlight schedules, guest speakers, or thematic messaging. This flexibility allows for more personalized and relevant content for congregants. 

It’s also important to keep in mind many religious institutions serve diverse communities with various language needs. Digital signage systems can support multiple languages, allowing for the display of information in different languages, sometimes simultaneously! This inclusivity ensures all members can access important information regardless of language barriers.



Modern digital signage can include interactive features such as touchscreens, which engage users more actively. For example, interactive kiosks can provide information about church programs, allow users to sign up for events, or even submit prayer requests. This interactive element can enhance the overall experience and foster a greater sense of involvement.

Digital signage also offers visually dynamic content that can capture attention more effectively than traditional signs. The use of HD images and video, coupled with dynamic animations, can create a more engaging and immersive experience. This visual appeal is particularly beneficial for reaching younger audiences that are more accustomed to digital media.

Digital signage can also be used to showcase testimonials, success stories, or church highlights. By sharing positive experiences, venues can build a stronger sense of community and connection among members. This can cultivate a greater sense of belonging and encourage more active participation in church activities.



Digital signage systems typically come with user-friendly software that allows for easy content management. When you sign on with REACH Media, you will be trained by an install coordinator and retain access to an account manager for further training and assistance. Religious venues can schedule and update content remotely from a central location, reducing the need for manual updates and physical signage changes. This streamlined approach saves time and effort, allowing staff to focus on other important tasks.

While the initial investment in digital signage may be higher than traditional signage, it can be more cost-effective in the long run. Digital displays eliminate the need for frequent printing and replacement of physical signs. Additionally, the ability to update content digitally reduces ongoing costs associated with manual labor and materials.

Modern digital signage displays are designed to be energy-efficient, consuming less power compared to older technologies. This can contribute to lower utility costs for religious venues, aligning with sustainability goals and reducing overall operational expenses.



Digital signage can be integrated with audio systems to create a multisensory experience. For congregants with hearing impairments, digital displays can complement audio messages with visual text or captions. This integration ensures that information is accessible to individuals with diverse needs.

Many digital signage systems offer accessibility features such as adjustable text sizes, contrast settings, and screen reader compatibility. These features ensure that content is readable and accessible to individuals with visual impairments or other disabilities. This promotes inclusivity within religious communities. 

As discussed previously, digital signage systems can be managed remotely. This means venues can update content from off-site locations. This capability is useful for organizations with multiple locations or make updates outside of regular operating hours.



Digital signage is an effective tool for promoting upcoming events, services, and activities. By displaying eye-catching graphics and videos, religious venues can attract attention and increase participation. Timely and visually appealing promotions can drive higher attendance and engagement.

These displays can also be used to recognize sponsors through vibrant donor walls. Acknowledging their contributions in a prominent, engaging manner can draw attention and encourage further donations. Additionally, digital displays can highlight fundraising campaigns and promote them well in advance.

Religious venues can use signage to reinforce their identity and message to guarantee their message resonates. Consistent use of logos, colors, and messaging across digital displays helps create a cohesive and recognizable image. This branding can strengthen the congregation’s presence and enhance its reputation within the community.

church lobby example, reach media network, 2024



Digital signage allows for dynamic content scheduling, enabling religious venues to adapt their messaging based on time of day, season, or special occasions. For example, the content can be automatically adjusted for different services, holidays, or events, providing relevant information at the right time. Additionally, REACH Media Network often provides free holiday content playlists to implement into your layouts.

Facilities with conference rooms and office meetings can implement room schedule displays to help users schedule meeting times. Conference room displays can also use otherwise idle screens to promote church events and activities when not in use. These displays are often paired to provide a fully interactive, promotional signage experience.

These digital signage systems can integrate with other data sources, such as event management software or databases. This integration allows for the automatic displays of up-to-date information, such as event schedules or member statistics, enhancing the accuracy and relevance of the content.



In the unfortunate event of an emergency, digital signage can quickly disseminate critical information to congregants. Whether integrating National Weather Alerts or advising of a security threat, evacuation notices can be broadcast on digital displays in real-time to ensure everyone is informed and can take appropriate action.

Digital signage can also be used to display safety instructions and guidelines during events or services. Clear and visible instructions can help manage crowds, ensure compliance with safety protocols, and provide guidance in case of emergencies.

Some digital signage systems can offer real-time monitoring and reporting capabilities. REACH Media offers real-time radar applications that can track weather in your area, complete with region-scaling capabilities. Real-time monitoring contributes to the overall effectiveness and reliability of digital signage systems.



Digital signage systems often include analytics tools that track content performance. By analyzing metrics such as viewer engagement and content popularity, religious venues gain insight into what resonates with their audience. This data-driven approach allows for more informed decisions about content and messaging strategies. Some advanced digital signage systems even use sensors and analytics to gather information about audience demographics and behavior. This data can help understand audiences better and tailor content to meet specific needs and preferences.

These systems can track various performance indicators, such as viewer interaction and campaign effectiveness. REACH Media offers Microsoft PowerBI and various other data-tracking software integrations to help you easily pull information. This measurement helps religious venues assess the return on investment of their digital signage efforts and make adjustments as needed to optimize results. 



Digital signage offers a wide array of benefits for religious venues, enhancing communication, engagement, and operational efficiency. From real-time updates and customizable content to interactive features and cost savings, digital signage provides a versatile and impactful solution for modern religious institutions. By leveraging the advantages of digital signage, religious venues can create a more engaging and inclusive experience for their congregation, streamline operations, and effectively communicate their message. As technology continues to advance, the role of digital signage in religious venues is likely to become even more integral, offering new opportunities for connection and outreach.




Many facilities are updating their signage approach. With that in mind, we HIGHLY recommend reaching out to your account manager now if you want free spring content, interactive integrations, or other signage implementations. While the process itself should not take too long, we do like having time to test the connection and ensure stable connectivity. Additionally, if any issues arise in that time, our support team can quickly sort them out. For more information, click the button below!