How to Create & Implement Digital Signage

digital signage strategy

Digital Signage Communications: Implement for Your Business

How Can Digital Signage Broadcast Your Business?

Digital signage software has become a powerhouse for digital communication initiatives. Its diverse set of tools and powerful integration capabilities make it an excellent way for businesses to convey their messaging. However, simply throwing some ads on a screen will result in lackluster returns. In order to get the most out of your signage, properly knowing how to broadcast your business is essential. Doing so can result in greater customer satisfaction, motivated staff, and higher returns on investment. For more digital signage expertise, be sure to visit our blogs and resources page!

Before broadcasting your message, it is important to familiarize yourself with your software provider. Many software providers operate on a cloud-based management system, meaning you can manage and update your displays from any location. This is critical, as depending on your operation, you may have facilities in multiple locations that require being displayed at different times. This also applies to calendar integrations, as certain events may be held at different times depending on the location. However, these tools still offer individual facilities a degree of autonomy, as they can implement their own schedules, users, and assets as well.

After browsing all the options available to you, you may start feeling overwhelmed. With how busy the corporate landscape can be, you may not have the time to constantly monitor your corporate communications digital signage. But worry not! Most systems have organization options that should help streamline your management process. For instance, REACH lets users create “Stream Schedules” for their connected players. This will automatically play specific content you set up during the times you outline. REACH also recently implemented “playlist grouping” options that allow you to group multiple playlists of content together so that they automatically play back-to-back when running. Once you have this setup, you can “set it and forget it” as the system will handle the rest.

Why Is Content So Important?

This may seem like a no-brainer. Content is what draws people in and the whole reason they would check your digital signage in the first place. However, having a deep understanding of what content works well with your audience is why signage becomes all the more important. Even if you will be selling your display as ad space, it is still important to consider what advertisers you want to fill that content.

Digital signage software often comes with some type of tool that will help you create ads. This will also often include layout templates that you can build off of. Additionally, REACH comes equipped with OneDrive integration as well, allowing you to harness the power of the cloud to store, manage, and upload even more assets. Canva integration also gives you even more customizable options that can help you create ads without leaving the CMS. Of course, professional design work is available upon request as well.

Having a large number of resources to pull from is essential, as digital signage relies on constantly evolving technology. Content eventually becomes outdated, seasonal changes require fresh assets, and changing trends reveal new strategies. Even live data screens need some level of management. A constantly rotating set of content will encourage viewers to routinely check in to see what’s new. This increases the range your message can reach and instills a sense of loyalty in an audience. In turn, the chances of them taking action or responding to your communication efforts increases as well.

Get Started Today

When you partner with REACH, you gain access to a vast network of industry expertise and a 24/7 support team ready to help you succeed. To learn more helpful digital signage tips, visit our blogs & resources page for a variety of articles. Click the button below to request a free demo, now!